I Am A Child Of God

Sunday was the final WorshipArts meeting for this school year.  As a means of reflection we gathered the various tangible representations of our time together and arranged them into a display format in the Fellowship Hall.  Congregants were invited to peruse the display and encouraged to talk to the children about their work – and many did.

Our time together each week is minimal and attendance variable, so I am always surprised anew at the end of the year to realize how substantial the accumulated collection has become.  Projects in various stages of “finish” – much undone – some abandoned as we moved on to a new idea, a different discussion, a temporary distraction.  And yet their voices come through, each unique, contributing to a collective chorus.

In her sermon, Ruth spoke metaphorically of faith as a playground, using James Reimer’s analogy that faith is like Scrabble – the design unfolding as the game progresses.  Provoked by elements in each weekly worship service, our WorshipArts encounters this year emerged into an overarching design that spoke to me of identity.

I am named

I am shaped by Anabaptism

I am the best part of me

I am a neighbor

I am all of my experiences

I am rooted and grounded in love

I am a child of God
