If our organ could speak, it would tell quite a story. Fortunately, our organ does speak volumes thanks to our many accomplished organists, including Dr. Roseann Penner Kaufman.
Learn more about the organ
The Rainbow choir is a rambunctious and often brave crew, dedicated to singing almost every Sunday from the middle of September to the end of April. All levels of ability and musical background are welcome. We sing a wide variety of music, from Renaissance motets to a recently composed jazz mass. We are fortunate to have many gifted instrumentalists to draw upon to accompany the choir for large choral works. Our primary purpose is to be a vital voice in the worship service by complementing the spoken word.
We rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 6:45 pm until about 8:00 pm. A bonus is that at 6:15 pm we gather together for soup or baked potatoes and good fellowship. You may have heard the saying attributed to St. Augustine of Hippo that “those who sing, pray twice.” Ol’ Augustine had a way with words. And there’s another that fits too: “Cantare amantis est … Singing belongs to one who loves.”
Hymn Singing
The a capella tradition is alive and well at Rainbow because we tend it carefully. Every Sunday we sing at least one hymn (often more) in four-part harmony without accompaniment. It takes practice and encouragement, but it gathers us together to participate in a way that is both traditional to Mennonite worship and unique to the wider culture.
Rainbow Performing Arts Series
The Rainbow Performing Arts Committee (RPAC) is the group within the church responsible for hosting various arts events. Recent performances in 2016 have included Ted & Co. TheaterWorks and Te Deum Antiqua, a local professional choral ensemble. Our sanctuary acoustics provide a warm, intimate, resonant space for musical performances.