Ruth Harder


Ruth Harder began as pastor at Rainbow in September 2013. Ruth is a 2007 Masters of Divinity graduate of Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary and a 2001 graduate of Bethel College. Ruth is married to Jesse Graber, who is a high school art teacher. Prior to coming to Rainbow, Ruth served at LaSalle Street Church in Chicago and Bethel College Mennonite Church in North Newton, KS.

You can learn more about Ruth and her ministry by reading her blog called Over and Around the Rainbow.

Roseann Penner Kaufman

Associate Pastor

Rosi serves as Associate Pastor at Rainbow, and has been part of the Rainbow staff since 2001. Her primary responsibilities are directing the adult choir and coordinating worship participation by congregants of all ages, as well as occasional preaching and community-building tasks. Rosi has a doctoral degree in organ performance from the University of Kansas, and a Master of Arts in Religious Studies from Chicago Theological Seminary. She was ordained in 2020.

Sara Mwagura

Interim Children's Faith Formation Director

Natasha VanDyke

Interim Youth Faith Formation Director

Pat Peters

Communications Administrator

Office hours:

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9am-2 pm

Lonnie Buerge

Financial Administrator

Gary Long II

Maintenance Technician

Elizabeth Cruz
