The text of this morning’s anthem, God of Many Names, included several identifiers for God. Can you find some of them in the list pictured above? The children tried this exercise during WorshipArts today and suggested, “King”, “Blessed One”, “Loom of Love”, and “Rose”. It was difficult… not because none of the monikers made sense, but rather because so many of the terms had a quality we could visualize as an image of God. I had formed the list of options by searching a popular website for the meaning of each child’s name and listed these meanings on the board along with four phrases from the anthem. So it felt like a holy moment when I realized that really any of those listed words could have worked as an image of, or name for, God. The children were eager to guess which meaning was connected to their own name. “Are these (meanings) for real?” one child asked.
Indeed. Created in God’s image, each and every one.